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标题 : 社会工程安全意识教育
日期 : 2023-08-28

Advanced Computer Security Course (社会工程安全意识教育)


社会工程 (Social Engineering) is a technique used by malicious individuals to manipulate and deceive people into divulging confidential information or engaging in activities that may compromise computer security. As social engineering attacks continue to increase in sophistication and frequency, it is crucial to develop a strong awareness of social engineering safety measures.

Course Objective

The objective of this advanced computer security course is to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of social engineering techniques, defensive strategies, and effective countermeasures. By the end of the course, participants will possess the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize and respond to social engineering attacks effectively.

Course Outline

  1. Introduction to Social Engineering

    In this section, participants will learn about the various forms of social engineering attacks, including phishing, pretexting, baiting, and tailgating. Through real-life examples and case studies, the concept of psychological manipulation will be explored.

  2. Psychology of Social Engineering

    This module delves into the psychological principles and techniques employed by social engineers. Participants will gain insights into human behavior, persuasion tactics, and the exploitation of cognitive biases. The aim is to help individuals understand how manipulation techniques are utilized in social engineering attacks.

  3. Recognizing Social Engineering Attacks

    Here, participants will develop the ability to identify potential social engineering attempts. They will learn to analyze suspicious emails, phone calls, or in-person interactions and recognize common red flags associated with social engineering activities.

  4. Defensive Strategies

    This section focuses on defensive tactics and mitigation measures to combat social engineering attacks. Participants will explore techniques such as security awareness training, strong authentication protocols, and incident response planning. Additionally, they will examine the importance of organizational policies and procedures in maintaining security.

  5. Social Engineering Testing

    Participants will gain hands-on experience in conducting social engineering tests. They will learn how to plan and execute simulated social engineering attacks to evaluate existing security measures. Emphasis will be placed on ethical considerations and the proper management of obtained information.

  6. Case Studies and Best Practices

    Throughout the course, participants will have the opportunity to analyze real-world social engineering cases and explore best practices for prevention and response. They will evaluate successful defense strategies and learn from past security breaches, enabling them to apply this knowledge in their own professional environments.


This advanced computer security course on 社会工程安全意识教育 not only enhances participants’ knowledge about social engineering but also equips them with practical skills to safeguard against such attacks. By developing a deep understanding of social engineering techniques and implementing effective defensive strategies, individuals can contribute to maintaining the overall security of computer systems and networks.